Guest Post written by Cora Rattle
Several years ago, a new library opened in our town, within walking distance of our home. This local branch broke the mold of what we thought a library had to be and instantly became a favorite place for our family. Since then, many Saturday mornings have been spent walking to the library with a coffee in hand.

Rediscovering a Love for Reading
Growing up, I was a voracious reader, eager every year to complete the library’s summer reading challenge, and once won an opportunity to enjoy a lock-in at the local library as a teenager. Moving into my adult years, however, my reading slowed, the result of the added stress of college, work, travel, and other responsibilities.
With a desire to return to my passion, the year that I turned 22, I set myself a goal of reading twenty-two books. Surprisingly, I surpassed my expectations and reignited my love for reading in the coffee shops and bookstores of Bulgaria.
Adapting Reading Habits as a Parent
As I entered motherhood in 2019, the margin for reading physical books narrowed, and I turned toward podcasts and audiobooks to continue learning and reading! This shift taught me that, although the medium might alter, reading in all forms is worthwhile and important to me.
Now, as a mom of two (children ages 5 and 1), I find myself consuming stories in various forms: audiobooks, physical books, ebooks, podcasts, children’s chapter books, and picture books. What has largely allowed this passion to remain consistent in this season of life has been our local library. Visiting once a week (at minimum) has become a family rhythm and fills each of us with tremendous joy!

Tips for Incorporating Reading Into Your Family's Life
If my own story stirs up a desire for you and you are considering including more reading in your family’s life, here are a couple of suggestions:
For the Grown-Ups:
- Get a local library card and visit regularly. Ask your librarians for suggestions if you are unsure what genres, books, or formats to begin with.
- Join a book club to be introduced to new genres, topics, and authors.
- Download the Libby app (or one specific to your library) to access ebooks and audiobooks through the library system.
- Download the Goodreads, Bookly, or StoryGraph app to log your reading, create a list of future reads, or read reviews for books that spark your interest.
- Be open to reading multiple books and/or genres at the same time. For instance, I might be reading a novel in physical form, listening to a biography through Audible or Libby, and sneaking in a couple of pages from a parenting book when it is convenient.
For the Kids:
- Participate in a summer reading challenge or a “1,000 Books Before Kindergarten” program through your local library.
- Pick out a handful of books to read at the library or at home. Some of our favorites for beginning readers are VOX or Wonder books (that read to you). These are great for kids not yet reading but who desire independence.
- Purchase a Yoto Player (original or mini) and incorporate audiobooks throughout the day. We love listening to stories while playing with trains, Magna-Tiles, or Legos.
- Add a story time to your bedtime routine. Begin with 10-15 minutes if this feels overwhelming. You can allow your children to pick the book(s), or you can select a chapter book to read portions of every night.
Bonus Ideas:
- Purchase a fun book bag (or multiple) to bring to your local library or bookstore, making it easy and convenient to carry home your finds.
- Look at your library’s event schedule to participate in book-related activities and make new friends!
With 2025 right around the corner, what reading goals do you plan to begin implementing in your personal or family rhythms?
Photographed: The Rattle family with their recent library book hauls.

Joey is currently reading: Farm-Raised Kids, National Parks Uncovered, and Road Trips in the US.

Cora is currently reading: Get a Hobby, Among the Janeites: A Journey through the World of Jane Austen Fandom, Jane Austen Made Me Do It, and Epic Runs of North America.

Atticus (age 5) is currently reading: The Bad Seed, Otto Runs for President, Dakota Crumb and the Secret Bookshop, and Marcel’s Masterpiece.

Piper (age 1) is currently reading: Creature from the Woods, Homegrown, and Feel Calm.
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